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Victoria Dog Obedience Training videos

Victoria Dog Obedience Training videos

Victoria Dog Obedience Training videos
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1 week active training
2 weeks active training
Dog rehabilitation
Dog Training
Puppy training
Boxer - 2 weeks active training
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Boxer - 2 weeks active training

GSD x Husky - 7 days training
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GSD x Husky - 7 days training

Labrador x Whippet - 1 week active training
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Labrador x Whippet - 1 week active training

Irish Setter x Poodle - 1 week active training
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Irish Setter x Poodle - 1 week active training

Golden Retriever - 2 weeks active training & dog rehabilitation
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Golden Retriever - 2 weeks active training & dog rehabilitation

Shiba Inu - 1 week active training
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Shiba Inu - 1 week active training

Poochon - 2 weeks active training
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Poochon - 2 weeks active training

Cross breeds - Advanced  Obedience training
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Cross breeds - Advanced Obedience training

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